Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kiribath (Milk rice)

Wash the rice and place it in a medium saucepan with water & salt. Bring it to boil in medium heat. Cover the saucepan and cook till the rice is soft and the water is absorbed.
Do not burn the rice.

Mix little salt with coconut milk and stir it. When the rice is ready reduce the heat to low and pour the coconut milk into the rice and Mix it well. Simmer the rice and coconut milk mixer till the coconut milk is absorbed and the rice is very soft and creamy.
Taste for salt.
Off the heat, and let it cool for 5mintues.
Transfer the mixer to a wide shallow dish and flatten down with flat spoon, spatula or with a piece of oil paper. Draw lines on top surface according to the shape (diamond or square) you want and let it cool another 5- 10 minutes, cut it into pieces.

Best is Seeni Sambool, Lunu Miris, Katta Sambool, Fish curry or your favorite meat curry. Also you can have milk rice with banana, sugar or juggery.

1. The amount of water and coconut milk is depend on the kind of rice you use.
2. If you can't find coconut milk, of course you can use normal milk.
3. When you finish flatten down the milk rice on the serving dish, just apply little coconut milk on the top surface. So then the top surface won’t get dry and also it’s bringing you a good taste too.



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